GMO-Free Multivitamins for Vegans — 26 Vitamins & Minerals to Consider

GMO-Free Multivitamins for Vegans — 26 Vitamins & Minerals to Consider


GMO-Free Multivitamins for Vegans — 26 Vitamins & Minerals to Consider

If there’s one drawback of the vegan diet, it’s the struggle to get enough essential nutrients that the body needs.
So, the big question is — should you supplement with a multivitamin? 

Posted by Nutravita

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  • Vegan multivitamins should be free from synthetic binders, artificial colours, and GMOs. Also, make sure there’s no cod liver oil added.
  • Common nutritional deficiencies in a vegan diet include: calcium, iron, iodine, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and zinc.
  • UK multivitamins for vegans are available with as many as 26 essential vitamins and minerals per serving.


    Are Multivitamins Good For You?

    Multivitamins for Vegans
    ➡️26 Key Vitamins and Minerals — Plus the 6 That Vegans May Become Deficient In
    ➡️Do I Need Specific Multivitamins When Pregnant?

    The Most Suitable Multivitamin and Minerals Supplement for Vegans
    Holland & Barrett Multivitamins vs. Nutravita Multivitamins

    ➡️Are Multivitamins Worth It?
    ➡️Why Should You Take Multivitamins with Iron?
    ➡️What Are the Essential Multivitamins When Breastfeeding?


    Are Multivitamins Good For You?

    We’ve all heard of the wide-ranging health benefits associated with the vegan diet. Promoting weight loss, managing blood sugar, and protection against heart disease…

    And this is just to name a few!

    What about multivitamins though? Do these “super tablets” also have wellness-boosting properties or is their widespread use a fad?

    The diplomatic (and honest) answer is: it depends.

    It depends on your diet restrictions. Your body’s physical condition. Even your age and gender.

    Dr. Howard Sesso — professor of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health — has this to say about multivitamins:

    "There are potential benefits and there are no known risks at this time."

    But for vegans in particular?

    While the ethical reasons for going vegan are clear, a diet without animal products may leave you lacking in vital nutrients.

    So, how can you ensure your body has enough of the nutrients it needs to function at its best?

    Let’s take a look ⏬

    Multivitamins for Vegans

    26 Key Vitamins and Minerals — Plus the 6 That Vegans May Become Deficient In

    “I haven’t got time to read an essay, you know.”

    We hear ya…

    Seeing as speed is of the essence, would you prefer a summary list with the key multivitamin ingredients to look for?

    Okay, cool!

    Pay close attention to the first six listed below — these are generally viewed as being the most likely nutrients for vegans to be deficient in.

    1. Calcium

    Getting enough calcium is essential for bone health. The risk of fractures is higher among vegans than it is for meat eaters and vegetarians. This elevated risk is thought to be due to reduced calcium intake.

    Vegans’ calcium consumption through food is often not enough, leaving them below the recommended dietary amount.

    2. Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

    B12 tops Healthline’s vegan supplement list.

    The nervous system needs vitamin B12 to function properly. Low levels are linked with heart disease and fertility problems.

    Nori is a great B12 dietary source. So is nutritional yeast.

    Nonetheless, vegans are found to be at significantly more risk of a B12 deficiency in nutrition studies.

    3. Iodine

    Ever had thyroid trouble?

    We hope not!

    Still, it’s worth knowing how integral iodine is for thyroid health.

    A deficiency in this mineral can lead to hypothyroidism, with symptoms including weight gain, tiredness, and depression.

    Seafood and dairy products are reliable sources of iodine, which may be a no-go for you. Seaweed and certain types of salt provide other options, but you may find it easier to supplement.

    4. Iron

    It produces red blood cells. It takes oxygen around your body. It even makes DNA! Apparently, there’s not a lot that iron doesn’t do.

    One of the two main forms of iron — heme iron — is only available through animal products.

    Unfortunately, heme iron is also the more easily absorbed form in the body.

    Foods such as beans and cereals can help. But it’s best to check your levels of ferritin and haemoglobin.

    If they’re low, it may indicate that you need iron in a multivitamin.

    5. Vitamin D

    The best source of vitamin D, by far?

    You guessed it — sunshine!

    Grey and rainy British skies don’t lend well to getting enough of this vitamin, though.

    In fact, deficiencies in vitamin D have been well-documented across much of the globe.

    Vegans are no different in this regard. With this in mind, a multivitamin (especially in the winter months) can be a wise idea.

    Ahh, bliss… wouldn’t it be nice if we could rely on sunny skies for enough vitamin D?

    6.  Zinc

    Nuts, seeds, tofu, and whole grains all help with boosting your supply of zinc, which is essential for immune function.

    A scientific review of over 25 studies discovered that vegetarians and vegans tend to have significantly lower zinc levels.

    Did you know?

    The body is “high maintenance” when it comes to vitamins. There are 13 essential vitamins it needs for healthy growth and cellular function:

  • A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, K

  • Now, onto the rest!

    Vegans may not be as likely to be deficient in these vitamins and minerals (compared with the six above) but they’re still of enormous value to the body:

    7. Biotin (Vitamin B7) — For strengthening hair and nails, helping the nerves, and producing enzymes.

    8. Chloride — An electrolyte for balancing blood pH, cellular fluids, and managing blood pressure.

    9. Chromium — The body doesn’t make this mineral, so you need external sources. It helps with breaking down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to use as energy.

    10. Copper — For the normal maintenance of blood vessels, bones, and the immune system.

    11. Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) — The body needs enough folic acid to form blood cells that are the correctly sized to be able to carry oxygen.

    12. Magnesium — Involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body, magnesium steadies your heart and fuels your muscles.

    13. Manganese — Located in the liver, pancreas, and other organs. This mineral builds connective tissues and sex hormones.

    14. Molybdenum — For controlling enzyme function and toxin detox. Often found in organ meats and legumes.

    15. Niacin (Vitamin B3) — Required for skin function. Niacin also lowers the “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increases the healthier type (HDL).

    16. Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) — Helps you to maintain a balanced digestive tract by metabolising macros like fats and proteins.

    17. Phosphorus — Crucial for tooth health, tissue repair, and waste filtering in the kidneys.

    18. Potassium — Known to reduce the likelihood of stroke and bone degradation.

    19. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) — Assists the body to utilise glucose for energy.

    20. Selenium — Useful for cognitive function, as well as decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress.

    21. Thiamin (Vitamin B1) — Supportive in enabling the muscles to contract and the nerves to pulse.

    22. Vitamin A — Required for normal vision, reproduction, and immune function.

    23. Vitamin B6 — For energy storage and the formation of haemoglobin to move oxygen around the body.

    24. Vitamin C — Is joint health a priority? Vitamin C helps you to create collagen, which is needed for joint elasticity. It also promotes more youthful hair and skin.

    25. Vitamin E — Protective against “free radicals” that can harm the immune system.

    26. Vitamin K — Controls normal blood clotting and important types of protein production.

      HAND-PICKED ARTICLE FOR YOU: Nutravita's Vegan Product Range

      Do I Need Specific Multivitamins When Pregnant?

      Feel free to skip this section if it doesn’t apply to you. We realise this is a common question, though, so we ought to touch on it.

      Pregnancy (and the breastfeeding that follows) are unique physical challenges for the body.

      After all, you’re now feeding two humans rather than one!

      So, which vitamins might you think about topping up?

      During pre-pregnancy and the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, folic acid should be taken every day. This is to assist with preventing birth defects, such as spina bifida.

      Both supplements and dietary choices can help to boost folic acid levels.

      Leafy green vegetables are an excellent source — think of the kales, cabbages, and spring greens of this world!

      Aside from folic acid, other nutrients to track during pregnancy are:

      1. Calcium: Essential to allow your baby's bones and teeth to develop.

      2. Iron: Needed to make red blood cell proteins. Your body needs twice as much of these during pregnancy to transport oxygen to the baby’s tissues.

      3. Vitamin C: Critical for cell protection and wound healing.

      If you’re an expectant mother who’s following a vegan or vegetarian diet, the NHS encourages you to test your iron and vitamin B12.

      Please make sure to consult your GP or midwife if you have any concerns.

      The Most Suitable Multivitamin and Minerals Supplement for Vegans?

      Whether your diet is for the sake of health protection, environmental reasons, or otherwise — it’s crucial to find a vegan multivitamin brand you can trust.

      Love ‘em or not, Amazon is one of the most popular stores that people buy supplements from.

      Aside from the convenience aspect, the platform also serves as a useful reference point to browse customer reviews.

      For example, there are over 8,500 ratings of the vegan-friendly Multivitamins & Minerals from Nutravita, making it the most rated multivitamin on Amazon UK!

      26 Essential Active Vitamins & Minerals Per Serving — Nutravita

      Source: Amazon

      Holland & Barrett Multivitamins vs. Nutravita Multivitamins

      Holland & Barrett and Nutravita are both big names in the UK supplement space. How do they compare in terms of multivitamins for vegans?


      The most highly reviewed multivitamin on Holland & Barrett is the Radiance Multi Vitamins & Minerals One a Day.

      Each bottle contains 60 tablets. They’re advertised as being suitable for vegetarians, but not vegans.

      Source: Holland & Barrett

      Another factor to ponder is that Radiance only contains 18 nutrients. Nutravita has almost a third more — 26 to be precise!

      Price-wise, it depends on how long you want your supply to last.

      The Holland & Barrett multivitamin offers a 60-day supply for £4.79. Whereas, Nutravita offers a 365-day supply for £15.99.

      Finally — and perhaps of most importance — Nutravita guarantees that their vegan multivitamins are free from:

    1. Artificial colours
    2. GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
    3. Synthetic binders

    4. Source: Nutravita

      1-YEAR SUPPLY: 365 Vegan Tablets

      Your thoughts? 💭

      Finding a suitable multivitamin for vegans doesn’t need to be complicated.

      Vitamins B12 and D are both considered essential. Vegans may not consume enough of these nutrients through food alone.

      And let’s not forget the healthy minerals of calcium, iodine, iron, and zinc. These may also be in short supply on a vegan diet.

      If you’d like to cover all bases with a combined blend, check out our one-year supply of vegan multivitamins HERE. It’s packed with 26 GMO-free vitamins and minerals.

      But if you’re not feeling ready to buy and would prefer to run a few questions past us, please don’t hesitate to contact the Nutravita team.

      We look forward to hearing from you 🙂

      To healthier days, Nutravita.

      NEXT READ: Vitamin D3 and K2 — Why Is Their Nourishing Partnership So Good for the Body?


      Are Multivitamins Worth it?

      Harvard School of Health Professor, Dr. Howard Sesso, says that "it is worth considering a multivitamin as part of a healthy lifemy."

      One of the most important factors to pay attention to here is diet. Does the diet you’re following lack certain vitamins or minerals?

      A multivitamin can be a sensible idea to top up depleted levels. But if you’re already getting enough of each essential nutrient, this may not be necessary.

      Why Should You Take Multivitamins with Iron?

      Some people think vitamin D is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, but it’s iron. A multivitamin with iron can be worthwhile, particularly when combined with vitamin C, which helps the iron to absorb better.

      Women who are aged 19-50 need 14.8mg of iron per day, whereas men and women over the age of 50 only require 8.7mg.

      What Are the Essential Multivitamins When Breastfeeding?

      Calcium, iodine, and iron (as well as vitamins B12, C, and D) may be beneficial for breastfeeding women to top-up. Why?

      Because getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals is known to support babies’ brain development, immunity, and respiratory function.

      P.S. Please share this article with any other vegans you know. The social sharing buttons are located at the top of this page. Thanks for your support!

      Co-written by Declan Davey

      Declan is a Health Copywriter with a professional background as an NHS therapist. His previous roles include work with mental health services and disability charities in London, UK.

      **Disclaimer: Nutravita’s blog content is for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as a substitute for professional medical advice or guidance. If you are worried about your health, we recommend that you contact your doctor. Please do not ignore your doctor’s advice because of any information on

      All prices correct at time of publishing, these may change without notice. Please visit our website for up to date pricing.

      Image attributions: Illustration by Freepik Storyset Illustration by Freepik Storyset