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How to Naturally Improve your Gut Health

How to Naturally Improve your Gut Health
Did you know that there are trillions of beneficial bacteria that live in our gut? And even though that sounds like a pretty large number, each and every one of them are vital for keeping your digestion, immune function and overall wellbeing in its optimal condition!
That’s why taking control of your gut health can work wonders when it comes to optimising your overall health. So, how do you know whether your gut health is healthy or not? That’s an easy one, the answer lies in your poop. Here’s what you want to look out for:
The Frequency
There really isn’t a hard and fast rule regarding how often you should be pooping - but according to experts, going anywhere between 3 times a day and 3 times a week is considered a normal amount.
The Colour
A healthy gut produces poop that ranges in shades of dark brown to green in colour. If you find that your poop is a different colour, such as red, black or yellow (and you haven’t eaten any foods with coloured pigments), it might be time to check this out!
The Consistency
The firmness of your poops can give you important clues about your gut health. Does your poop look soft, hard or runny? A healthy gut generally produces poops smooth in texture, soft to firm sausage-shaped poop which is passed in a single turn or smaller pieces. However, if your poops are hard, lumpy or nugget looking, this could mean that you’re constipated and that your gut is in need of TLC in the form of fibre! An unhealthy gut may also produce extremely soft or liquidy stool (diarrhoea) or poops that float, suggesting that there’s undigested fat in your poop.
Strain-Free Pooping?
Being able to empty your bowels comfortably and pain/strain free is a sign of a healthy gut. If you find yourself experiencing discomfort in the form of straining, for example, it could be a sign of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance, inflammation or another medical matter that needs some checking out.
There are simple ways to nurture your gut (and your poop). To help you on your way to a happier, healthier gut, why not try these simple tips to help naturally boost the beneficial bacteria in your gut.
Opt for More Fibre
Eat plenty of unprocessed, natural foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fibre, to help your gut microbes thrive. Low amounts of fibre in your diet is often the common culprit that’s getting your gut backed up and irritated!
Fibre-rich diets have been linked with a higher and more diverse gut microflora - that’s great news for the gut. So a good gut diet requires plenty of dietary fibre, and to help boost your fibre intake, opt for fibre rich foods such as beans, asparagus, pears, bananas, carrots and leeks - basically lots of plants!
One of the quickest and easiest ways to boost your fibre intake is by including our Herbal Colon Cleanse Complex in your diet. Our Colon Cleanse tablets contain 8 active ingredients that can help boost your gut health and fibre intake. It's packed with fibre-rich and plant-derived psyllium husk, making it perfect for those looking to add some extra fibre to their diet.
Our Colon Cleanse tablets have been carefully formulated using 8 active ingredients. Calcium, at 120mg per tablet contributes to the normal function of the digestive system. In addition, we have added 1 billion CFU from Lactobacillus Acidophilus, which is a live bacteria strain.
Eat the Right Kind of Fats
If your diet contains a high level of saturated and trans fats (the fats found in meat, dairy and processed foods), it’s bad news for gut bacteria.
High levels of unhealthy fats can increase both the levels of unhealthy gut bacteria and can also increase inflammation in the gut. This inflammation can go on to negatively impact digestion, leading to unfavourable shifts in bacterial populations. So it’s definitely worth reducing your intake of these kinds of fats! However, when you eat more omega 3 fatty acids (a healthy kind of fat found in avocados, chia seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds), these omegas are known to support the growth of good bacteria in the gut and fight inflammation - great news for the gut!

Don’t Forget your Probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms (the good kind of bacteria) that are considered to support a healthy gut microbiome. They are also great for fighting off bad bacteria when you have too much of it! You can increase the number of probiotics in your body by consuming fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut, and by taking a daily probiotic supplement.
Don’t forget to include our Bio Cultures Complex supplement in your daily supplement routine to help restore balance in the gut. Many digestive issues are usually linked to a lack of healthy bacteria in the gut, and our Bio Cultures Complex helps to improve the gut environment by introducing healthy bacteria to your gut in the form of probiotics (the good bacteria) and prebiotics (food for the good bacteria).

Riya Lakhani ANutr is a registered nutritionist and health writer with a special interest in plant-based nutrition. She has completed a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Human Nutrition, and has developed a passion for writing about all things plant-based.