Discover 3 of the Best Vitamins to Take Daily (Plus 3 Key Supplements for Body & Mind)

Discover 3 of the Best Vitamins to Take Daily (Plus 3 Key Supplements for Body & Mind)


Discover 3 of the Best Vitamins to Take Daily (Plus 3 Key Supplements for Body & Mind)

Good health doesn’t just “happen” on its own. So, which vitamins and minerals do you need to help you feel as well as possible?
If you’re looking to keep your supplement stash nice and lean, you can’t go far wrong with these top six picks!

Posted by Nutravita, 25th April 2021


Vitamins and minerals (amongst other nutrients) control hundreds of processes in the human body. This includes muscle growth and joint support, as well as giving you enough energy to function day-to-day.

Feel free to browse the nourishing supplements in our daily vitamin and mineral collection.

With the 13 essential vitamins and 16 minerals our bodies need, it can be hard to know which ones to prioritise in your supplement schedule. 

But the question is, how can you get enough of the nutrients that help to keep your health in check?

In this blog, we’ll outline three of the best vitamins to take daily (which are proven to have multiple benefits throughout the body).

PLUS, we’ll share three extra “super supplements” that have a lot of proof for promoting wellbeing. Clue?

One is a mineral, one is a spice, and the last one is an amino acid.

Here’s the table of contents for today, so you can choose where you want to start:

What Are 3 of the Best Vitamins to Take Daily?
Vitamin B12
➡️Benefits of Vitamin B12 — for Blood Cells, Bones, and Protecting Neurons
Vitamin C
➡️Benefits of Vitamin C — for Immunity, Memory, and Managing High Blood Pressure
Vitamin D3
Benefits of Vitamin D — for Strength, Weight Management, and Fighting Inflammation

Bonus: 3 Extra Supplements to Keep in Your Cupboard
Benefits of Magnesium — for Energy, Muscles, and Aiding Sleep
Omega 3
Benefits of Omega 3 — for Eyes, Mood, and Promoting Mental Function
Benefits of Turmeric — for Joints, Skin, and Reducing Inflammation

What Are 3 of the Best Vitamins to Take Daily?

Figuring out the very best daily vitamins to take isn’t exactly an easy task.

To be frank, it’s taken several days of debate at the Nutravita HQ to narrow down the selection!

Still, we’re confident that — if you had to choose three vitamins over any others — these should be at the top of your list.

Vitamin B12

We’re kicking off our supplement priority list with vitamin B12.

The largest (and most complex) vitamin there is, B12 is stored in the muscles and liver. It’s mostly found in animal products, so it can be difficult for people on meat-free diets to get enough.

Here’s a quick quiz question for you:

Is B12 involved in the metabolism of hundreds or thousands of cells in the human body?

Neither! Your body has over 37 trillion cells, and B12 is needed to metabolise every. single. one.

Astounding, right?

  • Benefits of Vitamin B12 — for Blood Cells, Bones, and Protecting Neurons

Let’s waste no time here. Benefits of vitamin B12 that have featured in studies include:

  • Boosting bone mineral density
  • Decreasing symptoms of depression
  • Forming red blood cells
  • Lowering risk of macular degeneration
  • Maintaining normal energy levels
  • Preventing anemia
  • Slowing mental decline with age
  • Supporting nerve cells

  • Did you know?

  • Those aged 14 and above need more than 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B-12 every day.

  • Each serving of the Vitamin B12 Vegan Tablets contains:

    1000ug of Vitamin B12 with a NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) of 40,000%.
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 440+ Reviews

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C (otherwise known as L-ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble nutrient.

    Unlike many mammals, the human body can’t synthesise vitamin C.

    Therefore, it goes without saying that we need a little outside help — either from food or supplementation — to keep our levels healthy.

    • Benefits of Vitamin C — for Immunity, Memory, and Managing High Blood Pressure

    Some of the most widely-backed benefits of vitamin C are as follows:

  • Absorbing iron
  • Building collagen for joints, nails, and skin
  • Healing cuts and wounds
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Maintaining cognitive skills, such as memory and thinking
  • Protecting the immune system
  • Supporting muscles, cartilage, and teeth

  • Each serving of the Vitamin C 1000mg with Bioflavonoids & Rosehip Tablets contains:

    1000mg of Vitamin C, 20mg of Rosehip, and 20mg of Citrus Bioflavonoids Complex.
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 35+ Reviews

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D proudly takes its place on our list as the “sunshine vitamin.”

    D2 and D3 are the two most vital vitamin D compounds in humans.

    D3 (cholecalciferol) is the type of vitamin D that can only be found in animal products, whereas D2 is mostly seen in plants.

    At least 1 billion people are thought to be deficient in vitamin D, worldwide.

    Though topping up your vitamin D levels all-year-round may well be the best approach, it’s most essential in the winter months, from October to March.

    • Benefits of Vitamin D — for Strength, Weight Management, and Fighting Inflammation

    Keen to know what the key benefits of vitamin D are?

    You might want to get your notepad out for this!

  • Battling off inflammation
  • Decreasing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay
  • Governing blood sugar levels
  • Improving cancer outcomes
  • Promoting weight loss
  • Strengthening muscles
  • Treating high blood pressure

  • Each serving of the Vitamin D3 4000IU (100ug) Softgel Capsules contains:

    100ug (4000iu) of Vitamin D3 with a NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) of 2000%.
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 470+ Reviews

    Bonus: 3 Extra Supplements to Keep in Your Cupboard

    Right then. At this point, we’ve ticked off some of the best vitamins to take daily for health and wellbeing. But what about other nutrients, such as minerals and plant matter?

    Three of the most beneficial are comin’ right up!


    Magnesium is a chemical element and mineral, rather than a vitamin, as such.

    It has a crucial part to play in the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

    Furthermore, it helps us produce glutathione — the most powerful antioxidant in the body.

    • Benefits of Magnesium — for Energy, Muscles, and Aiding Sleep

    The observed benefits of magnesium include:

  • Balancing neurotransmitters to help with anxiety
  • Encouraging a good night’s sleep
  • Optimising exercise performance
  • Preventing headaches
  • Relieving symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes

  • Did you know?

  • Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. And perhaps even more amazing is that 13% of the Earth’s mass comes from magnesium!

  • Each serving of the Magnesium Citrate Vegan Capsules contains:

    1480mg of Magnesium Citrate, providing 440mg of Elemental Magnesium 000ug of Vitamin B12 with a NRV (Nutrient Reference Value) of 40,000%.
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 530+ Reviews

    Omega 3

    As you may know, omega 3 is a type of fatty acid that the body can’t produce on its own.

    Like magnesium, omega 3 isn’t a vitamin. However, we can’t argue with the fact that it’s critical for optimal functioning.

    Fish is the most well-known source of this fatty acid. Unsurprisingly, fish with higher levels of fat — such as mackerel and salmon — tend to be the most nutritious fish from an omega 3 standpoint.

    • Benefits of Omega 3 — for Eyes, Mood, and Promoting Mental Function

    What are the health benefits of omega 3, then?

    Let’s see which areas of wellbeing that scientists have recorded:

  • Assisting with blood clotting and oxygen production
  • Lowering the chance of developing depression
  • Maintaining cognitive function
  • Protecting the cardiovascular system
  • Reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration
  • Regulating nerve function
  • Soothing joint swelling and pain

  • Each serving of the Omega 3 2000mg Pure Fish Oil 240 Soft Gels contains:

    2000mg of Omega 3, which includes 660mg of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and 440mg of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 430+ Reviews


    Native to Southeast Asia, turmeric is uniquely placed, as it’s supported in both alternative and traditional medicine.

    It’s categorised as a flowering plant, though many know (and love) it as a spice to mix in curries or stews.

    Mind you, the pot and pan staining isn’t so welcome…

    Turmeric can leave a bright yellowy-orange trail in its wake that you’ll be trying to scrub away for days!

    • Benefits of Turmeric — for Joints, Skin, and Reducing Inflammation

    Finishing up our top six list, let’s run through the benefits of turmeric.

    Curcumin is the vital active compound in turmeric. To help the body absorb curcumin better, high-quality turmeric supplements ought to include black pepper. The reason being?

    Black pepper is known to boost curcumin absorption by as much as — wait for it — 2000%.

    Pretty mind-blowing, that one!

    But before we get carried away, why should you consider adding this fragrant spice to your supplement arsenal?

    Here’s how it can support the body to stay well:

  • Blocking inflammation in the joints and bowel
  • Countering the harmful effects of carcinogens, such as food additives
  • Crossing the blood-brain barrier to nourish brain tissue
  • Improving the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis
  • Warding off free radicals that damage the body

  • Start Taking Turmeric Every Day, See What Happens to Your Body
    Source: YouTube

  • Each serving of the Organic Turmeric with Black Pepper & Ginger Vegan Capsules contains:

    1340mg of Organic Turmeric, 80mg of Organic Ginger, and 20mg of Organic Black Pepper.
    CUSTOMER REVIEWS: 1,300+ Reviews

    Nice work, you've made it to the end of today's Blog :)

    Let’s tie things up neatly, shall we?

    In the sections above, we’ve brought together the evidence that shows why B12, C, and D3 are three of the best vitamins to take daily.

    And we’ve seen how magnesium, omega 3, and turmeric are also highly valuable supplements to get a daily dose of.

    The Nutravita team is always here to answer any queries you may have.

    We’re happy to point you in the right direction if you ever need a hand choosing the right type of supplementation for you.

    To healthier days,

    P.S. Want to let your loved ones in on these top six supplements?

    Select from the social share buttons (which you’ll find at the top of this page) to help them optimise their health.


    Co-written by Declan Davey — Health Copywriter

    READ NEXT: Turmeric Latte Recipe

    **Disclaimer: Nutravita’s blog content is for informational purposes only. It should not be viewed as a substitute for professional medical advice or guidance. If you are worried about your health, we recommend that you contact your doctor. Please do not ignore your doctor’s advice because of any information on All prices correct at time of publishing, these may change without notice. Please visit our website for up to date pricing. 

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